Supporting aging adults with IOT

Back home Nextproject How can we support aging using IoT How can we support aging using IOT Ellie Care is a platform that helps older adults to gradually integrate more support as needed, offering tools for caregivers to provide efficient care. The Challenge To study the growing needs of aging adults and their environments. Ideate […]

Back home See aproject Story Xavia is a Internet of Things agency based in Buenos Aires. A few years ago they called looking for help with their website, but we decided to dig in to the root: How do we explain your service? Can we find a story? How does your brand speak? What are your […]
Model Vitals: Healthcare for everyone

Back home See aproject Making high quality healthcare accesible to everyone. Story Model Vitals is a data ecosystem that centralizes and processes medical information. The goal is to make health care accessible for all – especially for underserved communities in developing countries. “>”>A-grade healthcare for all Related projects
Metro A: Stories and Myths

Back home Nextproject Story The Line A was the first one built in the Buenos Aires Subway system, and since then, many mysterious stories have grown around it.I decided to research for three weeks gathering information about the past, the present and culture. Based on this I created a series of infographic posters that depict […]
Back home Nextproject Planning and tracking productive time with no technology Planning and tracking productive time with no technology IT IS A Time management hypothesis PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Analogical wooden board MATERIALS Wood, wire and glass WHY I DID IT Because I’ma nerd This is an analogical time tracker that allows to manage activities that require […]

Back home Nextproject Can we create habits through an incentives and rewards program? Can we create habits through an incentives and rewards program? MEDIUM LARGE APP 0 Designed Screens CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT Client & Users from USA HOW WE WORKED On-Site in San Francisco AVERAGE TIME SPENT ON APP DESIGN 0 Worked hours Brushly is an […]
Back home Nextproject How can we make gift-making easy, unique and meaningful How can we make gift-making easy, unique and meaningful CLIENT’S ORIGIN This is my company! FOUNDED IN 1991 USER’S ORIGIN Argentina HAPPY CLIENTS 1991 Boxify provides precurated and customizable giftboxes that contain moments of self communion The Challenge Create an alternative for boring, […]
Investing made easy for newbies
Back home Nextproject Investing made easy for the newbiesand smooth for the pros Investing madeeasy for the newbiesand smooth for the pros MEDIUM LARGE APP 0 Designed Screens CLIENT’S ORIGIN Ecuador & Argentina USER’S ORIGIN USA & Latin America HOW WE WORKED Fill 1Created with Sketch. Remotely & On-Site Ibillionaire allows newbies & prosto invest […]